Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Today I got Top Braces (I have already had bottom ones for a couple of months now) They hurt SO BAD!!!! I cant even tell you how much they hurt! Anyway here are the before & After Pics.




{jane} said...

They look cute, I hope you are feeling better soon - it's no fun to have tight braces & sore teeth!!! But, the reards will be BEAUTIFUL teeth soon!

Anonymous said...

i probably have to get mine on soon! but just think the sooner ya get them the sooner they are off! :)

Jamie said...

Cheyenne, listen. You are lucky you got them on so soon. I got them at the end of ninth grade and wore them all through high school! And...I had an expander on my upper jaw that I had to expand (crack my jaw bones by turning a little key) It hurt really bad! And it gave me huge embarrassing gap in my two front teeth! I looked ridiculous!